With each mothering instinct, I gaze at your face and watch for hunger cues praying that I can read them before it's too late. The smell of your sweet hair and the warmth of your soft skin encourage my milk to flow from within. Your eyes gaze at mine as we feel this connected bond. Through Blood Sweat and Tears our journey has just begun. I hold you close not ever wanting to let you go, but from family and friends, they tell me to do so. I hear that I'm spoiling you or becoming your favorite. Don't they remember you were just inside me for a minute? I find comfort in others who tell me it isn't so, to feed my baby and never let her go. This is my baby, my body and my choice. I will feed my baby in a sigh or rejoice. This gift I give to my smallest love will make them grow and make me fall in love. As each new day passes I see you bloom and grow. My heart pitter-patters like when I see a rainbow. There's nothing that can replace this journey we have- this moment in time.
I looked up the word moment in my handy thesaurus it points out in 3 winks is a moment you notice. I blinked my eyes and you've gone from babe to toddler how did this happen I begin to wonder. It was me; it was me all along with this flow of love for my breast that has helped you along. - Hope Staves
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